What Should You Consider When Buying Carpet As An Allergy Sufferer?


Allergens which make their way into your home can sometimes become lodged in carpet fibres, meaning that each footstep sends small clouds of them back up into the air. However, get the myth that people with allergies can't have carpet out of the way right now – they can. If you're one of those people, all you need to do is take a little more care when picking out your new carpet. Here is a quick list of things you should to consider.

What material is the carpet made from?

If you're looking for new carpet, or wondering whether an old one needs to be removed, it's important to understand which materials work best for people with allergies. Luckily, most carpeting is now made from specially designed fibres which create environments in which allergens tend to simply dry out.

Nylon is the best material to go in this regard. Wool should be strictly avoided since allergens and bacteria alike are able to flourish within its dense, organic fibres.

How thick is the carpet? 

The density and length of fibres is also a concern. Deep piled carpets trap allergens more easily, and their thickness means that those allergens are subsequently much harder to remove during cleaning.

Shag carpet, and other options which have long, dense fibres should not be used for anyone who suffers from allergies. Instead, look for carpets which use shorter, thinner fibres. These will make cleaning easier, and allergens will have a harder time getting trapped within them.

How has the carpet been treated?

It isn't just the material used to create the carpet itself which can present problems; you'll also need to consider which chemicals have been used to treat it. Try to avoid those which have been exposed to high levels of either formaldehyde or benzene. The use of these chemicals is decreasing, but they can damage the quality of indoor air and make allergies worse, so make sure you consider this.

The best thing to do is request carpets which have been labelled as low VOC (volatile organic compound). This designation means that the use of chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene has been minimal.

Of course, you'll still need to vacuum the carpet regularly, and have it properly cleaned every year, to make sure that allergens aren't allowed to collect within the fibres. However, taking these steps when you're buying a carpet will allow you to pick the flooring material you want without having to worry about your allergies. It's your home after all, and you should have it exactly how you want it. For more information, contact a business such as Kelwin Coastal Carpets.


15 January 2015

Creating An Organised And Functional Kitchen

The kitchen is the most used room in my home, and in the past, I found it could get messy and chaotic very quickly. Trying to cook dinner when you can't find an essential appliance or see past the clutter on the counter is no fun. I realised I enjoyed my time in the kitchen more and was more productive when my kitchen was organised and laid out in a way that optimised functionality. I changed my kitchen cleaning and organising routine, decluttered, got rid of appliances I don't use and moved things around to ensure frequently used items were easy to reach. I started this blog to share my tips for creating a kitchen that's enjoyable to use, and I post about ways you can optimise the space you have. I hope you find my posts useful.